EmotionPrint® | Digital and Offset Printing

In compliance with the contractual obligations underlying the funding attributed to EmotionPrint®, arising from the applicable legislation, namely Regulation (EU) No. 1303/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 December 2013, Implementing Regulation (EU) No. 821/2014 of the Commission of 28 July 2014 and Decree-Law No. 159/2014 of 27 October 2014. No. 821/2014 of the Commission of 28 July 2014 and Decree-Law No. 159/2014, of 27 October, in addition to other various publicity measures, especially those implemented in the spaces where the operations take place, you will find on this page detailed information on projects promoted and participated by César Castelão & Filhos, Lda.

Co-financed projects: